
have a message to share but not sure how paid speaking works?

A 3-hour recorded crash course that gives new speakers clear steps and valuable resources to grow your speaking business so that you can feel confident charging what your worth and showing up like a pro.

It’s been happening for centuries, all the way from Socrates to Brene Brown…

And the opportunities and benefits are WAY BIGGER than you probably know.

I’m talking about Paid Public Speaking of course.

And being a paid speaker has a slew of benefits…


 It’s one of the smartest ways to share your wisdom and expertise.


It’s an incredible feeling when your message has helped someone.


Has an enormous impact on brand building and creating fans for life.


It’s person to person so people are more eager to do business with you.


Businesses, schools, associations, etc… are always looking for fresh insights , relevant opinions and unique perspectives so speaking NEVER becomes obsolete.


Opens doors to a host of new opportunities!

I can't tell you how many times over my 8 years as a professional speaker people have told me …"I want to be a speaker too”  

Unfortunately, almost all of them never put their toe in the water because there are a few common concerns people struggle with, for example…

✔ Some people get stuck because they don't know where to begin…

✔ Some people get invited to speak but they never accept the offer because imposter syndrome is waiting like a wolf at the door…

✔ ️Others run into a wall  because they don't know how much to charge…

✔ ️And others get shaky during discovery calls because they don’t know what questions to ask prospects and end up beating themselves up if they get blindsided by a business question they couldn’t answer.

✔ For some people getting the job triggers their “now what”  response because they’re not sure about the clients expectations, how to handle payments, how to handle travel expenses, don’t know how to charge when providing a workshop versus a keynote…

And I can tell you from my own personal experience EVERY one of those problems can be fixed.


Knowledge And Action Make The Difference?
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference in one person having success while another person struggles? 

I've asked myself that question a lot. Truth is, success isn’t always a result of talent, hard work, or even who you know. 

In my humble opinion the real difference boils down to your knowledge and how you put that knowledge into action. 

And my mission is to give you my hard-won knowledge and an easy-to-follow process - something you can hang your hat on.  

CYNTHIA MARTINEZ, DIrector, First Voice Generation


"Denise's speaking masterclass was filled with endless gems of information and practical tools to get started as a part time speaker.

After learning from Denise, I am confident that I can keep growing my public image as a speaker and ask for what I feel my time and expertise is worth. The class is more than worth your time and investment!"

ROSALIA RIVERA, Founder, About Consent

Consent Educator

"I’ve worked with Denise before in other ways and i just knew that everything that she guided me towards doing was always successful and i just knew that this would be the same.

IRISNERI ALICEA, FOunder, Descubre tu historia


I couldn’t get over the fact that i never saw myself as a speaker. I’m not trained as a speaker. It was hard for me to get over that block. 

After the class  booked two engagements, the next year, six and now ten. I’m basically all booked for the year. 


😢 Feeling confused about where to begin.

😢 Believing this is hard and you'll never quite figure it out.

😢 Feeling like you have to break the bank just to learn what you need to know.

😢 Wracking your brain wondering how to find speaking opportunities

😢 Believing you can't do this

😢  Imposter syndrome holding you back for the last time

😢  Dimming your light because you don't feel confident 


🥳  Be confident and excited because you’ll understand how to land paying gigs in the shortest time possible and get up -front deposits. 

🥳  Know the exact questions to ask potential clients so you don’t have to feel stressed during discovery calls. 

🥳  How to deal with imposter syndrome so you can finally have the success you want. 

🥳 Know how to be fully prepared to work with your first paid client and leave them "over-the-moon happy" they hired you. 

🥳 Learn the best ways to find approach potential clients

Are you getting excited yet?


The Part-Time SPeaker™ Masterclass

An on-demand 3 hour masterclass for entrepreneurs, writers and coaches who want to create a secondary income stream as a paid speaker.

I’m going to go over everything you need to get started as a speaker and give you a process you’ll absolutely love because it makes being organized for an event feel easy and peaceful. 

I share the KEY questions you NEED to ask BEFORE you ever talk about how much you charge.

It also comes with ESSENTIAL professional resources I use everyday in my own business so you can hit the ground running and properly manage the business side of speaking.


Plus, you’ll learn how to present yourself in an authentic way that shows your a professional who  really cares about their event which means they’ll be excited about the opportunity to work with you.

Bottom Line: The Part-Time Speaker™ virtually wipes out all the mystery on how to become a paid speaker and shows you how to talk with  a prospective client so you’ll be able to discuss things with them that almost no one else would ever think about…

I know because this happens all the time in my client calls and they absoluteley love it.


In case you’re wondering why I call it the Part -Time Speaker? 

The name perfectly describes the lifestyle of entrepreneurs, creatives, and thought leaders who understand the value in speaking. It is the perfect extension of your primary business because speaking provides an overwhelming advantage when it comes to sharing what you care about, helping build your brand, and diversifying revenue streams.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside


part-time speaker™

A 3 hour crash course using proven real-world examples and strategies that teach you how to become a paid speaker - even if you can only do it part time.

module one

Start seeing yourself as a speaker

This module of the class is about helping you erase the misconceptions you have about yourself so you can build REAL confidence as a speaker.

module two

Pricing, contracts & the backend

How to price your talk and build your confidence talking about money, deposits, contracts and all things business related

module three 

how to get gigs

How to get gigs and keep getting gigs plus more strategies for ongoing success.


I Want The Part-Time Speaker Course Right Now

A 30,000 Feet View: Understand The Opportunities That Come From Speaking

People get into speaking for many, many different reasons and they come from all different walks of life…


👉 The introverted HR specialist who had a passion for Genealogy, never saw herself as a speaker who now has a completely booked calendar. 


👉 The former journalist who dreamed about making a documentary about a high school program that changed the trajectory of her life and is now speaking to audiences all over the country.


👉 A marketing specialist who wanted to empower parents to teach their kids about consent who is now speaking at Global events.

One of my Part-Time Speaker™ Students has turned her passion for genealogy into a thriving business and even though she “never saw herself as a speaker” has more paid speaking opportunities than she can handle… in fact, she’s booked out for the rest of the year.

There’s An Ocean Of Opportunities

The number of paid speaking opportunities are incredible.

And you don’t have to limit yourself to only one industry.



I speak about belonging to a slew of different industries




🧑‍🎓 Education


💻 Big Tech


🎸 Music Industry


🫦 The Beauty Industry


🎊 Event planners associations


🏛️  I even had an invite to The White House during President Obama’s last term - but scheduling never got worked out (turns out scheduling conflicts are an issue when it comes to governing the free world 🤷‍♀️).


I was too.

Here’s what you have to understand: there's almost no limit on the industries you can speak to. Plus, you get the great joy of speaking about what’s important to you while earning extra income.

Truth is, speakers are a massively important resource for companies, schools, and organizations, who want to bring in a unique level of expertise and different ideas that might help reshape their thinking and provide inspiration for their communities.

So what do they do?

They hire a speaker like you! 

The Part-Time Speaker™ is your proven shortcut to becoming a paid speaker 

Is This You?


🤚 You want a real, working expert in the industry to take you by the hand and give you insights and knowledge that will cut your learning curve down into just a few hours.


🤚 Want a concrete and easy- to -follow process to start building your part-time speaking business right out of the gate. 


🤚 You want to know how you can realistically land speaking gigs that pay $300-$2,000 even if you have zero or limited experience as a speaker.


🤚 You want someone to help take you from a “not-sure-what-to-do,” “just winging it,”  “wish-I-could-find--paying-gigs.” type of speaker… to a paid professional speaker with a fun and streamlined business that’s perfect for you.


🤚 Want to learn the easiest and fastest ways to find speaking opportunities.

The Minute You Sign Up, You Can Start Immediately…

I will walk you through everything you need to know about getting started on the right foot and setting yourself up for success in the paid speaking world.

I’m not exaggerating when I tell you The Part-Time Speaker will save you months and even a couple years of having to “figure things out” through trial and error.

In 3 info packed hours The Part-Time Speaker helps you bypass ALL of that.

One of the biggest benefits you’ll find from watching this masterclass is to see that I’m not hiding anything from you. I share my mistakes and what I know works best based on practical, real-world experience.

You’ll be motivated and inspired to go out and start landing those … $500… even $2,000 speaking gigs.

what's inside the part-time speaker™

Here’s A Reminder Of Everything You Get 


Instant and lifetime access so it’s available to you 24/7 whenever you need it.


A total of 3 hours of instruction that you can listen to at your own pace.


Specific client questions that easily help you set your fee and ensure the client sees the value you’re bringing to them.


Sample contract to make sure everyone is crystal clear about deadlines, payment schedules…etc. You don’t want to deal with the headaches of “I thought we agreed to X”


Event Checklist to get every essential detail from new prospects.


Simple and doable insights about dealing with imposter syndrome because it’s something that speakers face.


I’ll show you the standard ways to structure payments it’s important to understand so you can make sure all your cost are covered.


Simple follow up tips you can do that will  maximize “spin-off” and ensure clients want to continue collaborating with you.


The awesome benefit of a secondary career you love and make good money with!

how is this different?

Honestly, this is the course I would have done a thousand jumping jacks for when I first started out as a speaker. And, frankly, I think no aspiring speaker (or speaker wanting to move up to the next level) should pass this up.

I’ve made the whole process very simple and clear. Simple being the operative word. You don't need a lot of bells and whistles, just the bottom line and that's what I've put together for you.

So you don’t have to do any jumping jacks to take advantage of it. All you have to do is say “Yes!” to that inner voice that’s telling you “I want to be a speaker. Somebody make this easy!” 

Let The Part-Time Speaker™ guide you and set yourself up for speaking success. 

only $47 for a limited time

Hi! I'm Denise

I'm an award-winning documentary filmmaker and for the past 8 years, I've been a keynote speaker for Fortune 500 companies, the education market, associations and community organizations across all verticals who've asked me to bring my message of Belonging to their professional communities.

I've been the featured speaker at places like SONY, L'Oréal, Dow Jones, American Family Insurance, Facebook, LinkedIn, YELP, KPMG, Microsoft, The Gap, Yale University, Wellesley College, Google, Proctor & Gamble, Starbucks and VaynerMedia to name a few.

I'm also a 2x TEDx speaker.

I had to learn all of this on my own which caused me to make a few mistakes, but I eventually learned how to do it.

This is why I decided to create this for you because  It's so much easier when you've got someone who's already learned the lessons and can tell you exactly what you need to do.

And frankly, after doing this for so long I want to help diversify the stage and this is my way of doing that. We need more voices from diverse backgrounds sharing your stories and revealing the nuance of your lived experience and perspective.

You don't have to ooze charisma to be a successful speaker…

Just in case that thought was creeping into your head

No, you don’t have to be the next  Mel Robbins or the next Brené Brown! 

Just speak like you’re talking to a dear friend about the topic you love speaking about. 

If you can do that, I promise you audiences will call you “refreshing”  and organizers will hire you again!



Listen,  the beauty of speaking is you’re able to leverage all your skills and share all your past and current expertise and knowledge.

No matter what anyone says… You Don’t Need A Lot To Get Started!


Why do I say this?

Because realistically when you’re starting out the paid speaking gigs you’ll land will pay anywhere from $300 to $1,000 dollars. 

They're not expecting you to have an expensive website and you don't need to worry about having a speaking reel. 

In fact, these smaller paid opportunities are perfect for getting your speaking “reps” in and getting footage you can you use later for your reel.

I didn’t have any of those things (and my students didn't either) when I fell into speaking and that didn't stop us.

This is why you’ll say The Part-Time Speaker™ Master Class is a life-saver because you’ll see how simple starting can be and hesitation will be a thing of the past.

This course is only available for a limited time.

Ok, so how can i access these gems?

The kind of knowledge contained in this class can run into the thousands. But my commitment to you is not only to give you education that actually works—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the Part-Time Speaker™ Masterclass for only…


Reg. $97



This is a pre-recorded 3 hour masterclass. Once you sign up you will be given lifetime access including all updates and any additional bonus material. If you have any issues accessing the course, please email 



You get my zero pressure, zero guilt trip 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. Why? Because I’ll always be here to support you and I want to give you plenty of time to make sure the class was everything you expected.



You make an impact by tapping into your authentic passion and the knowledge you already have about your topic - NOT by being perfect at memorizing.



Well, this masterclass will give you an unfair advantage. I had no idea what I was doing when I first got started. I've read all the books and have hundreds of stages of experience under my belt. I've distilled the most important info that you need to get started into this three hour class. 



That depends. Are you happy with your systems? With your spin off? Are you making what you want to be making? If the answer is “no” to any of these questions I'm sure I can teach you something valuable. If not, you can take advantage of the guarantee. 



That's actually a myth. There is no “perfect” personality or style in professional speaking - phew!

I Hope You’re Ok With Me Being Candid


I know stepping into something new like public speaking can be scary.

This is why I’m making this as easy as possible for you. 

Even though I recently taught this class live for $97 and you’re getting every single thing those people got - I’m NOT asking you to pay that much.

I’m offering it at a price anyone can afford.

The price for this recorded training has been set at $47. So right off the bat you’re saving $50.

Remember when I said “speaking is the secret weapon for your business.” Well, speaking helped me grow a loyal and raving fan base around the documentary I made 10 years ago…

And my speaking career was an absolutely CRUCIAL ingredient in securing my book deal with Simon & Schuster!

Imagine what speaking could do for your career. You’ve got nothing to lose and only opportunities to gain.

Take 30 days to go through the course…even though you can easily finish it in an afternoon. 

And if after you’ve experienced it all,  you still don’t think The Part-Time Speaker Masterclass is giving you value…or… has made a difference in your speaking business…

Then simply send me an email at for a quick and full refund.

And I’m offering this because I want to get you speaking - TODAY!

I think that’s pretty fair.  You’ll have plenty of time to figure out the right move for you.

So if you agree this is a fair deal… It’s time to act.

Limited time only free bonus

Sample contract & client checklist


Wait, there’s more? That’s right friend

In addition to the 3 hour masterclass where I've condensed 8 years of personal experience into a very simple to understand roadmap… you'll also receive a sample of the same contract that I use and the exact client checklist we use with every client to ensure we provide a consistent level of service after the contract is signed - this is something that took us years to develop. 

 A $297 value—yours today FREE when you purchase the Part-Time Speaker™ Masterclass!


It’s time to up your speaker game.